The much-anticipated Tata Curvv EV, first revealed a few weeks ago, has been officially launched in India today. Prices start at ₹17.49 lakh for the base Creative trim and go up to ₹21.99 lakh for the top Empowered+ A variant (ex-showroom, introductory prices). The Curvv is built on the new ATLAS (Advanced Tech-Forward Lifestyle Architecture) platform, which debuted with the Punch EV, and is the first midsize mass-market electric SUV coupe in India. It offers a class-leading boot capacity of 500 liters and an additional 35-liter frunk. Customer deliveries are set to begin on August 23, with bookings opening on August 12.
Tata Motors claims that the Curvv EV’s reinforced structure is designed to achieve a five-star BNCAP rating, featuring advanced high-strength steel construction and 45% higher torsional stiffness compared to its midsize SUV competitors. With a ground clearance of 190 mm, it is capable of handling off-road conditions and has a water wading capacity of 450 mm. The vehicle’s roll axis has been flattened for improved roll control, and it reportedly boasts a 50:50 weight distribution.
The Curvv EV supports fast charging at a rate of 1.2C. When using a fast charger of 70 kW or above, it can recharge from 10% to 80% in just 40 minutes. Tata also claims that it can achieve up to 150 km of driving range with only 15 minutes of charging.
Tata Curvv EV Variants and Prices (Ex-Showroom, Introductory)
1. Creative with 45 kWh Battery: ₹17.49 Lakh
2. Accomplished with 45 kWh Battery: ₹18.49 Lakh
3. Accomplished+ S with 45 kWh Battery: ₹19.29 Lakh
4. Accomplished with 55 kWh Battery: ₹19.25 Lakh
5. Accomplished+ S with 55 kWh Battery: ₹19.99 Lakh
6. Empowered+ with 55 kWh Battery: ₹21.25 Lakh
7. Empowered+ A with 55 kWh Battery: ₹21.99 Lakh