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MG Gloster Catches fire on Delhi Roads

MG Gloster Fire

It is unfortunate to hear about the car fire incident involving the MG Gloster SUV in Delhi. The owner’s claim that the car was recently serviced by the company and had no external modifications is concerning. The fact that the owner alleges to have received no official response from MG Motor India after 10 days of seeking justice is also troubling.

The owner’s tagging of multiple government agencies and the company’s official handles on social media shows his efforts to bring attention to the issue and request a deep check of quality standards from ARAI and ICAT. It is important for car manufacturers to ensure the safety and reliability of their products, and incidents like this highlight the need for proper investigation and action.

It is recommended that the concerned authorities and the company investigate this incident thoroughly and provide a satisfactory response to the owner and the public. Car owners should also be vigilant and report any issues with their vehicles promptly to avoid any potential hazards.


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