Mahindra is gearing up to launch the 5-door Thar Roxx on August 15th, following the success of the 3-door Thar. This new model will compete with the Maruti Jimny and Force Gurkha 5-door models. Recently, spy shots revealed the Thar Roxx’s triangular rear quarter glass design. While the front grille and bumper will be updated, the overall front profile will remain similar to the 3-door model, including circular headlamps, fog lamps, and a rugged bumper and skid plate.
The Thar Roxx will be 300 mm longer than the 3,985 mm 3-door model, featuring new alloy wheels, wider running boards, wide fenders, dual-purpose tyres, and exposed riveted door hinge plates for a rugged look. At the rear, sportier C-shaped tail lamps, changes to the bumper and tailgate, and 4X4 badging above the rear fenders highlight its off-roading capabilities.
Also read : 5-door Mahindra Thar Roxx interior images leaked before launch
Engine options for the Thar Roxx will be the same as the 3-door model. The most affordable variants will have a 1.5-litre diesel engine producing 117 PS and 300 Nm, paired with a 6-speed manual gearbox. There will also be a 2.2-litre diesel engine generating 130 PS and 300 Nm, and a 2.0-litre petrol engine delivering 150 PS and 300 Nm. Both these engines will offer a choice of a 6-speed manual or a 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission. The engines may be tuned for higher performance to handle the added weight of the 5-door model, and customers can choose between RWD and 4X4 variants.
To attract more customers, Mahindra might introduce special launch prices for the Thar Roxx. Last year, they launched the Thar RWD variant at Rs 9.99 lakh for the first 10,000 bookings. The Thar Roxx could similarly have a starting offer price of Rs 11 lakh.