Mahindra has rolled out attractive discounts and benefits of upto Rs. 3.06 lakhs on it’s entire portfolio except the all new Thar. These include Corporate Discounts, exchange offers, cash offers and additional discounts.
1. KUV 100 NXT
The KUV is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 62,055 which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 38055, exchange benefits of upto Rs 20000 and a corporate discount of upto Rs 4000.
2. XUV 300
The XUV300 is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 44500 which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 10000, exchange benefits of upto Rs. 25000, corporate discount of upto Rs 4500 and additional discounts of upto Rs. 5o00.
3. Alturas G4
The Alturas is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 3.06 lakhs which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 2.2 lakhs, exchange benefits of upto Rs 50000, corporate discount of upto Rs 16000 and additional discounts of upto Rs. 20000.
4. Marazzo
The Alturas is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 41000 which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 20000, exchange benefits of upto Rs. 15000 and Corporate discounts of upto Rs. 6000.
5. Scorpio
The Scorpio is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 36542 which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 7042, exchange benefits of upto Rs. 15000, corporate discount of upto Rs 4500 and additional discounts of upto Rs. 10000.
6. Bolero
The Bolero is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 17500 which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 3500, exchange benefits of upto Rs. 10000 and corporate discounts of upto Rs. 4000.
7. XUV500
The XUV500 is offered with a maximum benefits of upto Rs. 85800 which includes cash benefits of upto Rs. 36800, exchange benefits of upto Rs. 25000, corporate discount of upto Rs. 9000 and additional discounts of upto Rs. 15000.